Missy Gee

Executive Director

With over a decade of community banking experience and thankfully part of organizations that afforded opportunities to those willing to learn, I have worn many hats during my career. Starting in retail while earning a Finance degree, I began my post-college career as a Corporate Trainer for a community banking group spanning a wide geography with many locations. Training employees is a passion of mine and I believe there’s nothing more satisfying than giving others the tools needed to further their careers. Even as I expanded into other areas of banking, including Retail Management and as Compliance Officer for a small-intermediate sized community bank, I was still called on to train others. With extensive CRA and Fair Lending experience, I have served as the liaison for regulatory compliance examinations. My passion for and experience in training led me to develop other skills, including leading workshops, planning and speaking at corporate events, hosting Train-the-Trainer events and managing a comprehensive corporate training program. I fully believe learning is a responsibility born equally by the employer who provides the opportunity and the employee who capitalizes on it. Finius GTS gives individuals the foundation of knowledge needed to succeed in the industry and I’m thrilled to be a part of it. As Executive Director, I assure you we strive to deliver a product better than our competitors, one that is more meaningful and relevant for those that perform many of the same jobs I have held. Let us help you help your employees succeed.

Amy Guinn

Director of Operations and Client Relations

I began my banking career more than a decade ago as a part-time teller while earning my business degree. Upon graduating from college, I continued my career in retail banking. Delivering extraordinary service and helping customers fully resolve any issues right the first time has always been my passion. In teaching and training others to do this, I found my calling. I have been able to answer that call as I advanced in my banking career, including in Retail Management and as a Corporate Trainer, as I helped others succeed. Now, at Finius GTS, I can channel my passion for helping others by helping many in the industry with relevant and meaningful training based on years of experience. As Director of Operations and Client Relations, I commit to make your transition to Finius GTS smooth and seamless and ultimately deliver the exceptional turn-key product you can expect.
Amy Guinn photo

Jim Conlin

Director of Client Development

I am a long-time banker with an undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois and a graduate of the University of Notre Dame business school. I have decades of experience in commercial and consumer lending and relationship management on both the community and large regional bank scale. With a banking career spanning the diverse business cycles of the past three decades, I contribute to the Finius team's ability to deliver high quality, relevant and necessary training to community bankers throughout the country. I have a "banker first, educator second" approach that helps Finius clients find the solution that best fits their needs.

Finius GTS offers an all-encompassing product, providing the training needed by community bankers through relevant and meaningful courses. While our management team has nearly a combined three-decades of experience, we sought the assistance of seasoned bankers with extensive knowledge and practical experience in all areas. Our product development team also includes:

  • Lori Spillers

    Lori Spillers began her career in banking with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in the 1980s. With the nation in the midst of a banking crisis, she was afforded invaluable opportunities to experience the banking challenges firsthand in several regions of the country, including the East, Midwest, Southwest and California. She has worked with both a regional banking group and community banking organization in positions including credit department management and commercial lender, later managing the lending function along with credit underwriting, loan documentation and troubled loan collection and other departments. For over the last decade, she fulfilled the roles of Chief Operating Officer, Chief Lending Officer and General Manager for a mid-sized Midwestern Community bank group. In over three decades in the banking world, she has led or been involved with the acquisition analysis and/or merger process of more than a dozen banks and the start-up of a secondary market servicing operation. With the industry facing shrinking net interest margins, increased pressure for operational efficiencies and fierce competition, including the adept FinTechs, she has joined with experts in other banking fields to develop and launch Finius GTS. She and her team want to help community-focused financial institutions throughout the country achieve success in this challenging and often fiercely competitive banking world through high quality and efficient education of bank staff and by helping institutions prepare and execute on quality strategic plans, including non-interest income and other growth strategies.

  • Amy Raftis

    Amy Raftis has been a dedicated professional in the fields of property management, commercial real estate development and security for nearly 30 years. For the past 10 years she has served a regional community bank as security officer as well as manager of bank facilities and bank-owned properties. As a community bank employee Amy wears many hats which has afforded her the opportunity to garner a wide range of experiences. This broad-base knowledge of community banking is key to an ability to link the many disciplines together. Amy’s experiences range from leading both the analysis and implementation of branch efficiency projects to serving in a key IT Steering advisory capacity to an integral role in developing business continuity plans and leading pandemic planning actions. In a leadership capacity Amy has led a team of professionals in writing and developing in house training on all facets of community banking. This project ultimately became the basis for launching the Finius GTS concept. More than two years were spent in research and development of the original coursework. Combining her wide-ranging areas of expertise with her passion for relevant and meaningful training, Amy brings to life the comprehensive and quality training offered by Finius GTS.